The statistics on how many small businesses (that’s everyone with fewer than 5,000 employees) are getting hurt by Cyber crime are really staggering. All of our clients are somewhere under 200 people and in that size range, the incident of reported crimes went up by 300% last year. Imagine how […]
social engineering
The bad guys have come up with a new way to take your money and ruin your day. You get a call to your cell phone It says it’s from someone you know and have in your address book. Often it’s the boss or owner of the company You answer […]
Website trends come and go, but there are many reasons to keep your website updated. We’ve listed six of them in this handy infographic. For small businesses with static websites, we recommend that you review it once every six months, minimum, in order to keep on top of things. […]
One of our clients fell victim to the CEO scam and lost thousands of dollars. I would like you to avoid becoming the next victim. What it is: The CEO scam is a social engineering attack. The scammers look for public information to tell them the name and email […]