It is impossible for your IT professionals to stop every instance of cybercrime from hitting your company. But there is a LOT that can be done to train your staff as the front line in defense.
There’s a new phishing game in town and it’s enabled by a software package that criminals can purchase to make their efforts more effective
A CEO scam is an attack that attempts to disguise a phishing email as legitimately coming from the CEO or high official in your company. These attacks are very clever and prey on your workers by relying on a sense of urgency to accomplish the goal.
Please alert your colleagues ASAP, as this threat could cause serious harm to your environment, or could cause a ransomware event costing your company a lot of money!!
When security is concerned, it is not something that we can drag our feet on. Harbor Computer Services will always strive to keep your data as secure as possible and at a reasonable cost!
There have been many innovations in securing your email data, but none are foolproof. So, that puts a responsibility on each user to do their part in keeping your company’s data secure!
Microsoft has many measures put in place to prevent attacks, and Harbor takes advantage of these plus some of our own policies.
Double-check the email address or website address. Often an email or web address is spoofed by making subtle changes in the address.
Remember that keeping your credit safe is a personal responsibility! Always follow these ruies when making purchases with your credit or debit card.