Work from home has resulted in a new risk category of concern – insider risk. We’ve been working from home since 2000. We know how to provide protection
work from home
Its tough to be a manager in these times. Getting up to speed and adopting new methods of maintaining employee engagement across a number of different work scenarios is the challenge. I found the article informative and useful.
There’s still part of the success equation that the employee has to come up with on their own because they are responsible for keeping themselves accountable.
To help our clients that are struggling with specific aspects of employing remote workers we’ve put together a series of mastermind roundtables that will take place in December.
A lot of people and businesses have found that it is economical as well as productive to have stay-at-home workers.
When the shut down occurred, even though for just a few weeks, the chains holding back innovation came off and everything shifted into fast forward. Planning to go back-to-normal would put you in the past and that’s never a good place for a business to be.
Are you ready for a quarantine situation? So, what can you do to keep your business afloat during this time? Allowing your employees to work from home during this time is a great option.