Covid-19 and your business

Viruses usually aren’t our area of expertise but this one is likely to effect business. It is already effecting the import of parts and technology from Asia. Our suppliers are already on borrowed time as many plants have shut down across Asia. Extended order delivery times are already happening.

If it’s happening to us it’s also happening to our manufacturing clients and everyone that works for them above or below. If you can’t get components you can’t assemble or add-value. As we come into the summer months, maybe we’ll dodge this bullet, maybe we won’t. Either way I hope we can squash this new variant of flu that so it doesn’t join our already long list of killer flu’s. Seems like we have a shot at it.

The CDC says that we should take precaution and for business that means preparing to increase work from home opportunities. The time to do that is now. The more cloud-centric your business is, the easier that process will be. We have some tools available with LogMeIn, and two varieties of VPN for office access. The option taken will depend upon the type of work that the home worker will need to be able to do.

Not all remote work is the same. Some need to be able to run complex applications like ERP’s, Databases, CAD, accounting or any type of large files. Some need mainly access to cloud locations, some to office data locations. This is why we have different tools for different needs. One tool to fit all really doesn’t make sense here if we want to provide the smoothest/fastest work solution.

  • what do they need access to
  • what kind of internet to they have at home
  • is the office internet service able to handle multiple incoming connections
  • is their home computer sufficient to be used for work

These are all questions that you should start considering now. Maybe skip the CostCo run to stock up on toilet paper :) and instead hold an internal meeting to work out if your work from home policy needs to change and the answers to the questions above. This way if this virus, or even the flu A-Z hits your business this year you’ll be ready. We’d like to attend that meeting and help you think about the technical implications of implementing your policy.

About Harbor Computer Services

Harbor Computer Services is an IT firm servicing Southeastern Michigan. We work exclusively under contract with our clients to provide technology direction and either become the IT department or provide assistance to the internal IT they already have. We have won many awards for our work over the years, including the worldwide Microsoft Partner of the Year in 2010. We’re the smallest firm to have ever won this most prestigious award. Most recently we were recognized as one of the top 20 visionaries in small business IT by ChannelPro Magazine. And as the top Michigan IT firm for Manufacturing. There are a few simple things that make Harbor Computer Services the best choice for your business. •We are Professionals •We are Responsible •We are Concerned About The Success of Your Business

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