About a year ago we asked for volunteers to test an off-site backup solution called Symform. The test went very well, with some hiccups here and there that were expected from a beta product. Shortly after that, they named Amy to their advisory board, fixed those issues and the product released. (I don’t get paid for my advisory status with them.)
As a refresher, Symform takes your backed up data, breaks it up into pieces, encrypts it and sends those bits to random places in their cooperative storage cloud – 32 times. Because we don’t trust the cloud, incredible redundancy like this is important. Symform does this for a fixed monthly fee per server or per workstation regardless of the amount of data you store. It is amazingly brilliant technology that makes off-site backup affordable. No one else does this.
But there’s no perfect software or perfect solution, one of the problems that has cropped up is bandwidth. Depending upon your business, we might end up chewing up the bandwidth for backup not leaving enough for speedy day-to-day stuff. For most companies it’s not an issue because your daily Internet use is light, but some of you use a lot of Internet bandwidth for every day activities. An update was just released to solve this issue. We can now move the hosting of storage to our office and get it off your bandwidth bill.
To kick things off, we’re offing 3 months free backup service if you sign up before the end of September. Here’s the pricing:
$50 per month per server
If you have bandwidth limitations and want to use some of our bandwidth to host storage, then it’s an additional $10 per month.