Small Tech Notes

512 posts

Security in the Spot Light

This week has brought forth the following security breaches. Sony LockHeed Martin RSA SecureID International Monetary Fund CIA Citibank An excerpt from yesterday’s hearing: Testifying before members of the U.S. Congress in confirmation hearings to become the next Secretary of Defense, Panetta said a large-scale cyber attack on critical infrastructure […]

A new Baby

Many of your have had an opportunity to meet our new technician, Matt. He’s been with us for about a month now. Today Matt and his wife welcome a new addition to their family, Dominic Matthew DeNoyer. Congratulations to Matt and Shawna!

Introducing Matt DeNoyer

I am pleased to welcome Matt DeNoyer to Harbor Computer Services. Matt started with us a little over a month ago now and has been making great strides in learning the high standards to which we adhere. You may have met him already. He’s been shadowing Ted and Diana in […]